Linux is a kernel, and some operating systems based on Linux are Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Arch Linux, CentOS, etc. Linux-based operating systems are highly configurable and adaptable. Linux is the base that runs cell phones and cloud systems like web servers. Linux-based operating systems such as Kali are one of the best tools penetration testing teams use to find security vulnerabilities. Servers on the cloud (AWS, GCP, etc.) primarily run-on Linux, and often, it is required for penetration testers to assess them for security vulnerabilities. The course covers the required Linux operating system knowledge for cybersecurity beginners who wants to explore the world of offensive security using Linux. The modules are hands-on, with loads of exercises for testers to learn to handle the Linux operating system. Completing all the modules in this course is recommended, especially if you are new to Linux OS. If you have more questions, please write to us at https://www.darkrelay.com/get-started.