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Third-Party Security Assessment

Secure Your Supply Chain by Proactive Vendor Security Assessment

Offerings VA


Uncover vulnerabilities early in the SDLC with DakRelay's third-party software security analysis. Our experienced security analysts go beyond automated scans, applying manual testing and deep security knowledge to identify critical risks.

Every organization has unique security needs. DarkRelay offers a customized approach, tailoring assessments to your specific third-party vendors and the risk associated with each, helping you to make informed risk-based decisions

Our detailed reports go beyond identifying vulnerabilities; they provide clear remediation steps and prioritize risks for efficient resolution, empowering you to collaborate effectively with your third-party vendors to address security gaps.


Let's Make Your Business Cyber Resilience today!


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Established in 2019 by seasoned industry professionals with over 16 years of experience and certifications including SANS 760, GXPN, GPEN, OSCP, OSCE, and CISSP, DarkRelay specializes in crafting tailored cybersecurity solutions for businesses and organizations. Our experts collaborate closely with clients to develop comprehensive security plans, integrating cutting-edge technologies and industry best practices.



Beyond our customized solutions, DarkRelay provides a range of training programs and services to keep businesses abreast of the dynamic cybersecurity landscape. 

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